Saturday, March 15, 2014

After Using Hotlink For 3 Months

Ok. 3 months ago I went and MNP over from Digi to Maxis due to the fact they were providing free basic internet.  And I was wondering how much I actually saved on my phone bill eventually.  Within the past 3 months I have managed to reload 3 times and used up max RM40 for these past 3 months.  Never the less, after hearing that LTE has finally arrived here in Kuching.  Only few days ago I went and subscribe for RM30 where they gave me 1.5GB quota.  And boy am I spoiled by the speed.  Of course I had to change my sim card as well in order for me to enjoy the max speed which gave me about 10mbps upload and download.
  But that is totally beside the point on how much I actually saved using Hotlink prepaid.  Well for starters, after 3 months using Hotlink.  Total cost I used was RM70 (RM40 for calls and SMS, while another RM30 was for the 4G Subscription).  Where I actually managed to slash my phone bills in half in a sense because previously I would be paying RM60++/month on contract.  While outside contract would had cost me close to RM90.
  One main reason why I managed to save a lot which I believe is due to the Data subscription.  Because most of the time I'm always situated where I have wifi connection, and of course the Basic Free Internet that Hotlink offer is just good enough for receiving Text from Whatsapp, Viber, BBM, Telegram and etc.  Plus I don't really need the speed whenever I'm out because I will be out for at most 1-2 hours, but still be able to receive messages through those social networking apps.
  Never the less, will definitely MNP Deluxe number once she uses up her credits to Maxis, because Maxis also now gives you Activ10, where their call rates would be at 0.06/30 secs and 0.01/sms (which I hardly use).  And you pretty much can save more from there.
  Anyway, only problem I had previously was when I went down to Plaza Merdeka Lower Ground, I was not able to receive any signals.  But after upgrading my sim card to 4G, seems like it managed to resolve that issue.  Not too sure yet, but will try it out again within these few days.
  So, being a cheapskate that I am.  I think RM30/month for phone bills is not that bad.  And another thing is taht I hardly call or sms people because most of the time you either skype on wifi or message through whatsapp.  No doubt that I won't be able to surf outside wifi vicinity, but hey at least it gives me chance to actually talk to people who are in front of me instead of looking at my phone the whole time.  It's all good.