Friday, October 12, 2007

KK Here We Come

Ok. Just a few days ago, a few of us booked our tickets to head over to Kota Kinabalu. So when will the trip be? It will be from the 29th Nov till the 3rd Dec. So basically we have practically planned everything already on where to stay as well as what are we going to do there :) Anyway, here's a break down of the possibilities of things we can do....

Jason made it to the top

Well, considering there are just a few of us going to KK from initially 10 people, dropped down to 4 probably 5 (depending that person can get leave from boss). We could actually squeeze a day here and climb the famous Mount Kinabalu. So probably it would be a great challenge and achievement for myself. Deluxe and myself are pretty hype about the idea, but apparently our Datuk might have a little bit of problem about it. Lol. Anyway, we'll try to brain wash him and see what he say later :P

Pulau Sapi

We could probably head over to the beach, and dry ourselves for half a day. Apparently there's no point staying in the beach the whole day :P So I guess it's all good.. Anyway, already worked out a plan on what we can do for those few days. But probably we'll do something crazy maybe next time!

Water rafting?

** Pictures courtesy from Jason

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