Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy Indonesia Independence Day

Well, it's been almost a week here in Jakarta. And we've pretty much be going around a lot as of late. And also Ifinally managed to do something with my toe which has been bugging me for many months. I had a pedicure, at one of the nearby malls here. And boy was it fun.... NOT! I almost died when they tried to cut off the toe nail which was causing me a lot of pain. Well, after the 1st time they did it, it was ok.
The one I had yesterday was crazy, as this time I didn't know what they did. But it was worst compared to the first so called operation without any pain killers or that thingy you make it numb. But at least now, the bleeding practically stop now. But I was told that I am required to go back and get it done in 2 weeks time. Probably might go around Kuching and see if there's anyone doing it back there.
Anyway, as the title suggested. Today is Indonesia independence day. From what I understand, the city should be very quiet and there is no one going around. Places such as Mangga Dua also been asked to close to celebrate this day. Not sure where are the happening places though, but it seems very quiet as usual. Might go out and have a look later and see how the traffic is like.
We'll be leaving for Singapore in a few days time. And apparently we'll be staying there for another 2-3 days. So most likely will go shopping there for an early Christmas present. Hehehe.. Then again mebbe not. We'll see how it goes. I think I'll just stop here for now. Will upload the pictures once I get back to Kuching. Currently using dad in law's laptop. As he installed some chinese software which always seems to turn on by itself every one to two minutes. Either that I could have entered some special key or something that seems to activate it. Anyway, it's all good. YOu guys have a good day now.

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