Chinese New Year is around the corner. A week so to speak, and a week from now we would have pride ourselves with Chinese New Year Eve reunion dinner. During this time, it will only be the time where all family members will gather together and asked how's life hanging. And of course for those who are single out there, the number one questions relative would be asking especially when you hit the mature age is "When will you be getting married?"
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Cheers"][/caption]
For me I suppose it was pretty much passed that stage when I brought Deluxe home the first time during Chinese New Year back in 2007, but fortunately for her she has been interviewed years back when most of the relatives were here in Kuching. Funny thing, how relatives tends to ask you questions even your own parents don't. I guess maybe that's what they are there for. To ask questions that parents won't even dare to ask, so get the relatives and pretend to be on your side. LOL. But never the less, it's all good. Lol, but I think a lot of you may have similar experience maybe you might want to leave a comment and talk about it.
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