Thursday, January 27, 2011

#GMKS #12 - Chinese New Year Eve Reunion

Chinese New Year is around the corner.  A week so to speak, and a week from now we would have pride ourselves with Chinese New Year Eve reunion dinner.  During this time, it will only be the time where all family members will gather together and asked how's life hanging.  And of course for those who are single out there, the number one questions relative would be asking especially when you hit the mature age is "When will you be getting married?"

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Cheers"][/caption]
For me I suppose it was pretty much passed that stage when I brought Deluxe home the first time during Chinese New Year back in 2007, but fortunately for her she has been interviewed years back when most of the relatives were here in Kuching.  Funny thing, how relatives tends to ask you questions even your own parents don't.  I guess maybe that's what they are there for.  To ask questions that parents won't even dare to ask, so get the relatives and pretend to be on your side. LOL.  But never the less, it's all good.  Lol, but I think a lot of you may have similar experience maybe you might want to leave a comment and talk about it.

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Royalty Free Music Chinese Style

Astro Chinese New Year 2009 Song: Qing Zhu

Monday, January 24, 2011

#GMKS #11 - Chinese New Year Preparation

First and foremost both Dennis and myself have been busy for not doing any podcast for the past week.  As you notice I didn't even had time to update my blog. Lol.  So you can pretty much tell you that I'm also super busy.  Anyway, this morning we talked about Chinese New Year preparation on what normally people do during their preparation for Chinese New Year.  Have a nice day!

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Music used in this podcast :-

Friday, January 14, 2011

Alex & Esther Jong : Everybody Praise The Lord (Original Song)

Esther loves to sing and dance. I guess all children loves to do it as well. Anyway, how this song came along was that, she tends to sing a lot of songs when she was young. Plus, she tends to make up her own tunes and lyrics. This was one of the many songs she composed which caught my attention. so I went and asked Deluxe where did she listen to these songs. Deluxe told me she didn't know either, as she tends to sing a lot of songs where she would sort of "composed" on her on. Deluxe then sort of challenged me that maybe I should help fill up the gap of all her songs. And I thought it wasn't a bad idea as well. So hence this song came quickly so to speak that night. Will probably do a remake of this in the future when she grows up a little. Till then God bless.

[youtube EE0-PckwjuA]

Everybody Praise The Lord
Chorus :
Everybody praise the Lord,
I want to praise You Lord,
I want to praise You God!

Verse 1:-
I may be small, I may be 3 feet tall,
But in my heart I want to praise You God.
I wanna sing, and jump and shout for joy,
Cause in my heart I want to praise You God.

Pre-Chorus :
Cause You love me, just the way I am,
And You care for me, just like a little lamb.

Chorus :-

Verse 2 :-
I give You thanks for mom & dad,
I give you thanks for grandma & grandpa,
I give You thanks for all the things,
You're my best friend who's watching from afar.

Rap part taken from Psalms 23

Thursday, January 13, 2011

#GMKS #10 What to do during flood in Kuching

Today's podcast we talk about what you should do if there happened to be a flood in your area.  Find out what you can do the holan way or the right way :)

Download Today's Podcast

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Today's Link :-
SSPCA Gotong-Royong this coming Sunday

Today's Music :-
Flood - By The American Dollar
Human River - Jean-Rene Ella
Breathe - Sound of Ground

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

#GMKS #09 - LIm Teh In Kuching

It's another podcast to welcome the new week.  We woke up to a very cold morning this morning, hence the reason why both Dennis and I sound so sleepy. Lol.  Anyway, we're currently on the new server which apparently allowed us to convert to a lower quality for you guys to download even faster and save space as well.  Sit back and enjoy the rest of the show!

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Songs used in this podcast :-

We Have All We’ve Ever Wanted – by Yatch

Thursday, January 06, 2011

GMKS #08 - Food In Kuching

We're back again this morning to bring you laugh and joy for the rest of the day.  Joining us in this morning podcast is Lord Kevin, who is one of our faithful listener.  And we would like to thank Kevin for joining us in this segment, and do excuse the quality as there were some technical issue we face.

In today's podcast we talk about where you can good meals here in Kuching.  And of course most of the places we recommend here are mostly affordable places.  Anyway, thanks for coming in and listening to us.  Enjoy :)

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Music used in this podcast :-

Monday, January 03, 2011

GMKS #07 - Don't Spanna Other People Girlfriend

Dennis and I are back once again to entertain you this Monday morning to kick off your Monday blues and holiday mood.  We only got one email this week and didn't get any other questions or request over the weekend due to the holiday.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="389" caption="Conversation with Kevin"][/caption]

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