Monday, December 31, 2012

So Long 2012, Hello 2013

Ok so it's already the end of the year. So what has happened so far for this year? Guess pretty much a lot. And hopefully one day I will be able to do something about my life in a sense, where I want to change the world. But I guess that would be impossible for now, who knows in 2013 I may get lucky and able to do something with my life and change the world. But from now till then, I'll prolly live a holan life for now.

So much for an introduction. So 2012, did not bring a lot of joy but pain as well. That's why I seldom really blog much nowadays, as nothing really spectacular happen in my life. But anyway I probably would think that if I met these people below, would be the highlight of 2012 for me.

Me and Jackie Chan would be cool.

Me and Jason Mraz

Having a moment with Jin And Reuben would be cool.

President Obama would be a nice person to meet

And of course riding on his popularity Psy may boost my ranking

But alas things above may not happen to me in 2012. So I guess I may need a few more years or even decades should I ever have the chance to meet these people. So instead of having wishful dreams, let's get real on what actually happened throughout 2012.

2012 bore a lot of good news, as well as bad news. One in particular where my family lost our beloved Aunt Lina to colon cancer. As she was battling it for 6 months, where by she was misdiagnosed with gastric instead. When we found out, it was a little bit too late but I guess my brother managed to prolong her life here on earth a little longer. But through her passing, we know no matter what family stays together. There were of course other people who were sick, and we had to serve them throughout the year. But I guess sometimes we need to serve those who are sick, as Jesus instructs us to love thy neighbour as thyself. At least, they know that even their own family pretty much given up on them but they were still able to find comfort through our serving.

Never the less 2012, also brought many blessings in disguise. One major achievement I could say probably is finally able to reach 80KG. In other words I have dropped 17 KG within the period of 6 months, and boy it was an awesome adventure for me. Seriously, I would have done it if it wasn't for Deluxe who supported me throughout the time while I was TRA. As I managed to change my lifestyle from eating all sorts of unhealthy food, to pretty much choosing the right food to eat. Hence I went and closed down my main blog at, to pretty much dedicate my weight lost programme there. And share my experience through that website.

And there were times, when we thought that we wouldn't have enough to cover for rental, but the good Lord never failed us for one second. He always provide even at the very last minute during one of the month. Maybe it was a sign telling us to put our trust in Him more and HE will surely not Holan us. Hehehe.. But this year, despite all the misfortune that I've gone through. God has been there through out the whole time. To pretty much make sure He'll see us through.

So what to expect for 2013? Well, I'm not too sure yet. But I know, our fate is in His hand. And basically, just put our trust in Him and hope for the best. Despite the fact that, there will surely be uncertainty for our future. We shall see which direction He leads us and guide us. So on behalf of my family and I, I would like to wish all of you a blessed 2013. And may God bless all of you for the upcoming 2013.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Saturday, December 01, 2012

December Is Here

  So it has come to the last month of the year 2012.  And things has been shaky for the past few weeks, but eventually everything is good.  Thank God for that.  Was supposed to head back Miri yesterday, but due to unforeseen circumstances I had to cancel the trip.  Ticket wise pretty much burn, but I guess it's all good.
  God hand has been working quietly behind the scenes, despite of all the tribulation that I've been going through these past few weeks.  He has ceased to fail me, by sending angels to come and minister to me.  Though we are not out of the woods yet, but now at least I know He is still there beside me.  Maybe one of these days, once everything settles down I may write about this.  Till then will update again sometime soon.