Monday, January 02, 2012

Goodbye 2011

So today is the last day of 2011, and boy does time just fly by so quickly.  Unlike previous years somehow I felt that 2010 & 2011 really zip me by quickly.  Maybe I'm more occupied with stuff, either that I'm trying to chase after time.  Whatever the reason may be, I will be looking forward to 2012.  And who knows things will turn out much better compared to the previous years.

Not to say that 2011 was bad, but indeed this year I had a lot of opportunity that was sort of laid in front of me.  But due to bad time management, I had to drop out on a few.  But never the less, God is good and all I need to do is to put my faith in Him more.

This year, I did a fair bit of traveling.  Apart from the usual Miri for Chinese New Year and Jakarta during puasa time.  Both places are indeed a great getaway from the normal routine of my life from opening the shop and closing it.  So sometimes, having a break once in a while is good.  Never the less, I've also went back to Miri to vote which some thought I was crazy as it was only a day trip.  I remembered driving myself to the airport and parked it there for a good 17 hours, and just paid only RM17 for the parking ticket.  It was more cheaper compared to hiring a taxi.  Spent a few days in KL, while visiting my aunt and brother.  And actually went for a road trip to Miri via bus, plus to Sibu as well while following my father in law.  Never the less, it was a great experience for me as the long journey sort of was fun actually.

  Anyway, next year resolution for me is probably just one.  Is to try and finish up my last year resolution, and also make sure I handle my time efficiently.  I've also started a new project, which hopefully I will see fruits within the next 2-3 months and maybe will post it here as well.  Should everything runs smoothly.

  But all this would not have happened if Deluxe wasn't there to support me all the way.  Being the ever so loving wife, she had sort of put my head straight and sometimes had to pull me back to be on track on what I need to do.  If it wasn't for her, probably I would have given up a long time ago.  I guess she's not only my wife, but my best friend whom someone I can't live without. It's really good to know that I have someone whom I can talk to all the time, despite having a good or bad day.  Thank you for being there for me whenever I needed you. I love you dear.

And to my beautiful daughter who is growing up ever so quickly.  How I wish I could have spend more time with you.  As for the past few months, when I had a dateline to meet I had to work till late at night.  And pretty much got up way too early to begin working.  This year, I will make it a point to spend more time with you as I know that you only want to be close with me.  And I will need to remind myself that I wouldn't be that missing gap in your life.  So that is another resolution that I plan to do for 2012.

  Anyway, that's pretty much about it for now.  Was supposed to published it on the 31.12.11, but apparently because I was too occupied with something else had to be postponed till today.  Never the less, would like to wish everyone a Blessed New Year and hope you all have a good one!

Excuse the low voice as I was still having the flu :P

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