Saturday, October 27, 2012

It's On

Durian Season Soon!
  Ok.  It's been a very long time that I last update on this blog.  And since I will be closing down my main website at to pretty much going to convert that to a more business like website.  I will still use this blog here to update more on things that I should be updating for a very long time.

  As of late I have been extremely busy with work hence not so much updating on this website here.  Also on my main blog.  Currently, I'm converting my website to a more portfolio type of blog where things will be more different and I don't think I will be posting personal stuff anymore.  As most of my personal stuff will be stored on my local drive.

  Anyway, this will be more frequently updated as i think one day when I am no longer around, at least this blog will continue to remain here.  Who knows it may be useful in the near future. Oh well, life goes on.  See you in the next post!

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