Friday, January 22, 2010

Will Be Porting in 24 hours

Ok.  I've decided to keep it short.  While I understand there are a lot of ping backs right now.  So sorry for the inconvenience caused.  I've managed to transfer most of my post here.  So it won't be long now till I shift this blog to the main address.  And there were a few glitches that was needed to fix the template.  So hopefully by tomorrow I will get everything running back in order.

Was busy trying to find a way to move from Joomla to Wordpress.  I guess, as much as I love Joomla.  But it's not showing me any love with SEO as well as TLA.  So hopefully things will start to pick up once again when I move back to wordpress.  Yes, it's a long and hectic job.  But at least I got most of my post converted.  The only last thing I need to do is basically sorting out the categories for each post.  Never the less, I won;'t be adding any tags to it as I'm a bit too lazy for that now.  So what I plan to do is sort them into categories maybe phase by phase.  And hopefully everything will be sorted out before this end month.

There were a lot of post I would love to post about.  But due to fact that I couldn't move from Joomla to Wordpress which pretty much took a lot of my time.  And as for the template, I've decided to go back to the regular blog format as I was getting a lot complaints because it was difficult to access my site.  And not to mention it took a while for a page to load.  Never the less, it's all good.  And I've found quite a lot of nice plugin for this site.  So hopefully I won't need to move back to joomla again.  Lol.  It's all good.

Anyway, closing time now.  Catch up with you all soon :)

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