Monday, December 17, 2007

Budget Kota Kinabalu Trip

Paypal might be surprising Malaysia & a few more countries soon :D

    Ok. We're on a tight budget and tried to see how much we actually spent on our Kota Kinabalu Trip. Ok here's the breakdown price for each person.

Return Airplane TicketRM238.98
Accommodation for 4 nightsRM130
Misc ( Food, Taxi, Entrance fees, & boat ride )RM150
Total Spent518.98

    Not too bad considering that we've stayed there for 4 nights, and managed to almost covered most of the major spots like Kinabalu Park, Poring Hot Springs, Manukan Island & KK itself. We also ate some of their local food, as well as sea food which I think it's a bit pricey compared to Kuching. Anyway, it's all good. But we managed to borrowed a car from my cousin, so it's a more less give and take kinda thing :) Anyway, our accommodation was at Borneo BackPackers, which was comfortable and clean. At RM30 a night, with 5 ppl in it seems affordable :). So it's all good! Anyway for more details what we did, please head on over to my personal blog and check out the details there..

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