Saturday, December 15, 2007

Kota Kinabalu Part 2

    It really has been a long week, been busy with tons of work. Will explain later.. Had problems with Multiply whereby it didn't allow me to link the pictures now.. So I had to turn to flickr as an alternative :) It's all good.. Ok.. Anyway, here's our epic adventure went..

Putting our feet in Hot Springs

    After we managed to meet up with the others, apparently they had their own epic adventure and so we packed up and headed into our kancil. So our next destination was Poring Hot Springs. It was about 30-45 mins drive from Kinabalu Park, and we managed to find our way there despite a few wrong turns. As we managed to see cows on the way, and also dogs every 5 meters. Lol. Then here we were, at the entrance of Poring Hot Spring. Yeap, we managed to soak our feet in there, but apparently it wasn't really like what we expected. Deluxe and I still suffered from the muscle pain due to the excessive if I may say work out from mountain climbing. But it was all good. After that, we had a small treat where we bought coconut to refreshen ourselves. And apparently Kien Tung seems to enjoyed it saying it was very sweet. I still think he was over exaggerating about the whole thing.

Kien Tung Enjoying His Coconut     So after all of us except for Kevin, drank finish our coconut. We headed back to Kota Kinabalu. As we headed back, there was a lot of big trucks heading back. So the time taken was quite a while, and this is when Kien Tung sort of "Lai Tien" asking Kevin to announce the speed and how long will it take to reach KK. So apparently he's still crazy over planes. Plus our "Ketua Pramugara Sebastian" had to do all the normal procedure which all of had a blast each time he uses his yeah so call "Sebastian" name.. By the way he's real name is Tay Chung Ang.

    As we were heading back, it got slightly difficult as it was getting dark and the mist began to evolve around us. So it was a little bit dangerous in a sense we can't really see much. Plus with so many heavy machinery in front of us, it was kinda of difficult to over take them. As we were driving half way, suddenly Deluxe heard a weird sound. It sounded as if the tires got busted and it was making that sort of sound. Then suddenly all of us got worried and tried to look for a place to pull over. Indeed the sound was getting louder and louder as we began to noticed it more, but Kevin said he doesn't feel a thing. We managed to pull over at one of the lane and checked out the tire, thank God nothing happened. So we inspect what in the world was that sound, so I asked Kevin to slowly drive forward and a piece of rubber came off from the tire. We wondered where it came from, but not long after that we quickly get into the car and started our way again as it was really starting to get dark.

Kevin & Kien Tung Looking @ The Menu

    But in the end we managed to find our way back to the Kota Kinabalu and apparently took slightly longer than expected due to the heavy vehicles moving around. But thank God that all of us arrived back at the backpackers safely. So after we showered and freshen up, we went and look for food. Apparently, there wasn't any much places to eat since it was about 9.30pm. So we parked at Center Point and started to look for food. Apparently the only place available was The Chicken Rice Shop. What to say about this place? No doubt the food was good, but the service was horrible. Yup you got it right. Apparently they either kept forgetting our order, or plate or something has to be missing. I guess it was late and they just want to go home.

Kien Tung trying to coax Chung Ang in getting the wallet

    Anyway, after dinner we headed to the Night Market. There wasn't really much left as most of them were closing. But apparently their items were identical and there weren't any much variety. Probably it was because most of the stores were closing. But like any other Night Market you get to see tons of imitation products, but not too sure how good is the quality though :P But the prices were ok, considering yeah they're imitation. After that, we all headed back and called it a night.

Rabbits Sold @ Sunday Market Gaya Street

    Mom called me up, about 8 in the morning. Said we'll meet up at Sunday market. But apparently most of us still tired from the trip. Especially both Deluxe and myself had a hard time moving. Anyway, while Kien Tung was the first to leave, followed by Kevin & Chung Ang. Deluxe and myself went and met up with mom, and followed her there since. So we did see quite a few interesting items that were sold there, and what surprised us even more was when we saw this.

Selling Turtles

    Mom had compassion over them so she went and clean house and bought all 5 of them. Said will get release them at Aunty's Stella place, so I had the privilege to carry all 5 of them around Sunday Market and take pictures at the same time. So you can imagine how much fun I was having. As I told her, just let it be there and we come and collect them later. But noooooo, she had to buy them now because she worried we can't find them anymore -_-" Anyway, after we made a huge turn in Sunday market we ended up resting at Kedai Kopi City. I'll stop here for now.. Will update more later tonight :)

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