Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Kota Kinabalu Part 4

    Hopefully this would be the last part of Kinabalu as there are tons of others things I would love to blog but ended up forgetting what to blog about.. Hehe. But it's all good :) Due to multiply couldn't link our the pictures, you might want to go here and check them out. Seafood Pics.

    Anyway, the seafood cost a bomb considering that they are really near to the sea and all that. But anyway, we've tried the seafood so it's ok already. After that, that's when trouble appear, after dropping off both Deluxe, mom and Kien Tung. I head back to the place to pick up Kevin and Chung Ang. So as I was there, I turned one round hoping to find them. But apparently they weren't there where I saw them last. ok. From this point onwards, I will do it in a poem way as I just watched something and I can't seem to stop thinking this way.. Lol.. So here it goes...

As I tried to turn the very first round,
They were gone, not there, no where to be found,
So I tried another turn and to my dismay,
I never saw them so I went back on my way.

Back at the backpackers to get my phone,
I then start the car, it won't move or budge,
I tried the lights as well as the horn,
No sound, no lights, I think it is gone.

I call up Chung Ang and let him know,
The car is dead, there's no more hope,
Kien Tung came down to double check,
With 15 years experience, it's confirmed dead.

Once they came back and shared their story,
15 minutes of walking through the darkness in glory,
They sang carols and hymns along the lane,
People actually thought they were both insane.

The very next day, we tried again,
But alas the results was still the same,
We head out for breakfast at Kedai Kopi City,
But guess what, we were treated a dish for free.

After breakfast we went to the shopping malls,
To do last minute shopping as well before the rain falls,
Deluxe and I head back to the car,
While the other started to wander off far.

We took a break at the coffee shop nearby,
To wait for the mechanic to fix our ride,
It took a while before he came,
While waiting for him, we played a game.

Once he arrived, we went to the car,
He popped the hood open and look for a scar,
But what he did really amazed us both,
He knock on the connectors, and there it goes.

The car just sprang back into life,
With no second thought or even a strife,
We head up the hills to have a look,
The whole KK City like the one we saw from a book.

After we took pictures up there for a while,
It's time to head back and carried a smile,
To meet the others to have a quick snack,
Before we head to the airport to get back.

We had Roti kahwin and teh kahwin,
The bread was huge you will know what I mean,
After that we went to rest,
At Aunty's Stella house which is a really nice place.

From there, we rested a little bit while,
To have a look at her dogs gone wild,
We bid farewell to KK after that,
And off to the airport with all our bags.

Thus end our journey here in KK,
It was indeed a nice place to go and stay,
It wasn't too bad considering the fact,
That all of us spent RM600 max.

    Ok. That's pretty much about it on what we did the last day while we were in KK. And finally this post is long over due. But hey, at least I completed it.. Hehehe. Anyway, I've went and upgraded my flickr account, which considering the fact that now multiply very kiam siap don't allow linking back from their page. Oh well. You can't win them all. OK. Here are some links to the pictures which you might find interesting :) Have a nice week!

My Collection
Deluxe Collection - Mt.Kinabalu
Deluxe Collection - Poring Hot Spring
Deluxe Collection - Sunday Market @ Gaya Street
Deluxe Collection - Manukan Island
Deluxe Collection - Cats @ Manukan Island
Deluxe Collection - Sabah Sabah Seafood
Deluxe Collection - Sabah City Tour

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