Monday, December 17, 2007

Kota Kinabalu Part 3

Checkingout the pictures that I took @ Kedai Kopi City

    Mom wanted to find a place to drink so we ended up here, not too far from our place. So what happened was that, while waiting for the others to come back from their journey to the wet market. Mom went and asked to see if she can find EON Bank around. So she ended up asking the "Tau Keh Neo" of the shop, and apparently from there we started to chat. We found out that she was from Bau and got married to someone from Sandakan and started her business here. After having a nice pleasant chat with her, we were on out way. We went back to Borneo Backpackers and waited for Aunty Stella to come and pick up mom.

In front of the shop

    Kevin and Chung Ang went and collected the key from Deluxe earlier on, but apparently they some how lost it on their way back. Yup. Lesson number 1, don't bring the key out when you can drop it at the receptionist :P Anyway, while we were waiting back there they were still looking for it before they call it quits. So they ended up paying for the replacement key. After Aunty Stella came and picked up mom, we headed off to the Island but before that we had a pit stop back at Kedai Kopi City for our lunch. Anyway, we tried some of their food which is quite amazingly nice :)

RM7 Fish Head Bee Hoon

Kien Tung is loving it

    After lunch we head to Manukan. But before that, we had to go to Jesselton Point to reach boat that will carry us over to Manukan Island. We didn't plan to rent the snorkeling kit which cost RM15 at Jesselton, while RM25 at Manukan Island. Anyway, the boat ride there was about 15-20 mins from Jesselton to the island. We had a slight rough ride whereby the waves did managed to get in and got us wet. Upon arrival, we were greeted by a school of fish that were swimming around freely and so near to the beach. It was indeed a beautiful sight.

    Once here, everything seems to be so peaceful and calm. It was more less like a relaxation place. I guess, you can't really get this beach in Kuching because it's way too far from the town. Lol. Anyway, it is really well preserved here in Manukan and the beach here were very clean. Kien Tung said it was more beautiful compared to Phuket, which I think he might be over exaggerating again. But he still insist that it was better.. Anyway, we hang around the island moving around, while we saw a mermaid as well coming out from the sea and started walking around the beach.. Hehehe... Anyway, we took a few shots and also met a few cats where Deluxe started to snap away.

Deluxe having fun

    We ended up quite a while there, before we head back to Kota Kinabalu. And apparently on our way back, the sea wasn't being too friendly. So we sort of had a ride of our life. Apparently the driver went and speed like nothing, and boy was the boat flying. We had to detour to Sapi Island to pick up another 2 more passenger before heading back. By the time we reached back to Jesselton Point, Deluxe commented that the wind indeed made my hair looked nicer and said that it looks as if I just came out from the saloon to blow. But unfortunately for Kevin, well. He was soaked all over. Lol. Poor guy had a tough time sitting at the back. Hehehe. Anyway, after we headed back to get cleaned up. We went to have some seafood! Anyway, will finish up that part later... To be continue......

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