Sunday, November 28, 2010

Canon Ixus 300 HS, Ixy 30s, Powershot SD4000

My friend Edward apparently got his article published on BaikBike.Com. You might want to look at it as, he went and design a parking lot for the bike to be placed in his campus. Apparently from what he told me, his campus is the first campus that has a proper parking place for cyclist. Check out his article : A Cool Bike Rack Design.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="Opening Ceremony Picture"][/caption]
As you all pretty much guessed it right now, yes I just purchased a Canon Ixy 30s.  I haven't really played with it much yet as after I took 3 shot I passed the camera to Deluxe to try.  I have been thinking of replacing my old Canon Powershot A70 for long time already.  This baby has served me well for over 7 years already, and it's still alive and kicking.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="Miniature Settings"][/caption]
The reason why I wanted to get another compact camera is because I find it difficult to carry a dslr around especially with Esther.  As Deluxe and myself have only 2 hands, and it's a bit troublesome to carry the camera as well as Esther at the same time.  Not to mention whenever we go out, plus not wanting to draw any attention to us.  And the worst case scenario if either one of us have to go to the toilet, and basically everything else stays behind with the person who's not going to the toilet.  Eventually I started using back the Canon A70, but as you all know Esther is a hyperactive girl so taking photos is not easy.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="Swap Accent. Not too sure how it works though"][/caption]
So I thought it's about time that I got myself a present, hence I thought of getting the Ixus 300 HS.  At first I was looking at Canon Ixus 130 IS, then I saw an ad on TV which was promoting the 300 HS as well as 1000 HS.  So I did a little research with 2 cameras, and the major concern that Deluxe seems to have is taking pictures of Esther in low light condition.  So apparently the 300 HS was the clear winner.  As for zooming wasn't our priority, so I guess that's how I ended up getting the 300 HS instead.

Plus I got it from this seller miyamondo, and it was really a bargain. It came with a free case, 8GB SD Card and a screen protector. Apart from the screen protector being too small which I don't find it a problem. One more thing, because this camera is not from Malaysia, so the warranty you only have 1 year and you can just send it back to him to claim FOC. After 1 year you can send it to your local Canon Dealer.

Well, Deluxe is really happy with it so I guess it's a good sign.  Especially after taking the pictures it was so much easier compared to the A70 and her phone camera.  So you'll be sure to see more pictures of Esther really soon!  As I told her that, since she has the camera now she should use it more often to take more pictures of Esther activity.  Hahaha.  Plus right now at least we can bring it around whenever we go out with Esther.  But when she showed me the pictures that she took, I was really amazed with the quality.   Anyway, here's an unboxing video that I made for it.  Will do more tomorrow night.  You guys have a good weekend!

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