Monday, December 27, 2010

GMKS #05 - Drivers In Kuching

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="330" caption="Ranking #2805 as of 26th Dec 2010"][/caption]

Good morning all.  Dennis and I are backed as promised, because we know that on Monday is the best time to tangkap ular.  And we would like to thank you guys for your support, and we wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys taking time to listen to us.

Anyway, we'll be moving into a new server to host our podcast because we won't be able to continue to host it with podomatic as we will be reaching our limit in another 1-2 more podcast.

So we just celebrated Christmas and New is coming your way.  If you would like to send your New Year greetings as well as any New Year Resolutions, do drop us an email at holantv [at] gmail [dot] com.  And the both of us will read out your messages, as how we did it for the past few podcast.

Ok, so on with the show, and hope to hear from you guys soon.  You all have a good day now.

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