Thursday, December 02, 2010

Preparing For Tomorrow

For those of you who are currently using Ubuntu, and uses the IM pidgin.  You would notice that there is always a notification for those who comes online or goes offline, or even receiving new messages.  You can check out the post here on Disable Online User Notification in Pidgin, which really helps a lot.  So you won't be disturbed all the time unnecessary.

And as you know, each time whenever Ubuntu upgrades itself it will add a new boot menu item in your boot menu.  Especially for those who are running dual boot, it's really a pain by selecting the item you wish to boot into.  You can go to this post "Clean Up the New Ubuntu Grub2 Boot Menu" to pretty much clean up your boot menu.

So today is 1st December 2010.  And it has reach the final month of 2010.  How times flies, especially when you're busy or don't really take time to stop and smell the roses.  And as you all notice, after I changed the template for this website 3 weeks ago.  I have been trying very hard to be consistent in doing a post everyday, and so far I have yet to miss one apart from Sunday.  It helped especially when someone who have been supporting me all these years, kept on encouraging me to write and be consistent.   So at least, whenever I start to do anything in the future, I will keep on doing it and don't fall back halfway like I always used to.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="Fisheye on DUN"][/caption]
If you noticed on my side bar, I have already put a list for my 2011 resolutions on what I want to achieve next year.  I didn't do one this year, because I don't know what I wanted unlike my previous years.  I'm still thinking on what I plan to put on that list, as I still have another 31 more days to finalise it and start working on it to achieve my target.  Another thing I'm working on is also pretty much plan out on how am I going to achieve my goals, especially goal #1.  It may not seem much, but I shall try to give it a shot.

I was a bit emo today as how Dennis would put it as, I feel that this year went by so quickly compared to previous years.  I don't know why, but somehow I felt that I didn't achieve anything much.  Whereby I still saw myself last year sitting at the same position and pretty much living the years as it is.  One good reason for that was that, I didn't set myself a target on what I wanted to do or needed to do.  Maybe that's why nothing happened, and I was so excited when 2010 came.  But I didn't do anything, when it came.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="Holankia Talkshow"][/caption]
But looking on the bright side of 2010, I feel that God has been preparing me in a lot of ways.  And at times, I really feel that being hopeless He is always there to watch over me.  And no doubt, that life goes on He remains the same.  And not to forget that The Holankia Talkshow has been started, where I actually had big plans for it.  But apparently died slowly due to lack of ideas on what I want to talk about.  But it was fun while it lasted, and it sort of gave me the courage to pretty much do a video log after that.  So I think it's a good start, and will try to plan to talk about something as well starting next year.

Plus since I'm planning to head back into song writings again, hopefully I would have enough time to do something about it.  As I've put that talent away for a very long time already, and it's kinda hard to get inspired to write something.  But never the less, I know it will come back if I keep on working on it.  Maybe that's why I started the podcasting series, which actually got me to figure out on how to record stuff onto my laptop. So hopefully by end of next year I might have something to show already.  Hehehe.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="Christmas is around the corner"][/caption]
So since Christmas is around the corner, I may as well start doing something about it as well.  So this the time to be busy, and I have been seriously slacking off.  But will go back to top gear starting tomorrow, as I need to sort out a few more things again.  Hopefully by then, things will pick up before the year ends.  And it's kinda exciting when you draw out your plans and being able to work on it.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="428" caption="Family First"][/caption]
But one thing I learn this year is that, above all things I need to do everyday.  I have to make sure family is always first.  Been pretty much neglecting in a way, whereby been so busy with activities but don't really spend time with the family.  Things really brighten up, when I decided to stop from other things to spend time with the two important people in my life.  And positive things do came out from all that, so I guess it's a good sign.  Anyway, going to close up now.  You guys have a good one.

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