Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blood Donation Drive

Back in 6th April 2005
  Ok, so last Sunday the church had a blood donation drive and of course, yours truly went and gave blood as well.  This is the second time that I actually gave blood in my life.  First time was back in 2005, which I think I should have it recorded somewhere in my album.  Never the less, I went with Ketam that time to actually helped out a friend who's grandma needed blood.  So yours truly went and buat kerja rakyat, and be a man to do the right thing.
  The first time was actually a good experience for me, considering that the nurse wasn't able to find my vein where she had to poke the second time for the blood to flow.  Because halfway while I was donating it actually stopped flowing.  And Ketam had a blast making fun of me and renamed me the guy who had to be punctured twice to donate blood.  Never the less all is good.
Jeremy and I before going in
  So, during the second attempt in donating blood I was pretty much cool about it.  Whereby, I went inside and started munching on the goodies that was before Rev. Pau decided to step in and stopped me from having some more as it is to prevent me from high blood pressure or something like that.  So I stopped taking food, and looked at him.  As it was kinda hard to decipher if he was actually telling the truth or joking.  Never the less, I stopped taking the goodies and sat quietly while waiting for my turn to be punctured once again.
  Jeremy is actually a first timer, as he's just passed his 16th birthday (dang I feel old as I'm twice his age now) and wanted to donate as well.  Because previously he told me he wanted to give only if I give first.  Because registration was last week, I asked him to sign up but he said he's under age.  But this week, we found out that those people who are under 18 can actually donate blood but that is if and only if got consent from his parents first.  So probably the youngest dude there to give blood, he inspired his peers to donate blood in the future.  So all is good.
  But this time at least I was not required to punctured twice due to the fact the vein on my left hand was undetectable.  So decided to move to my right arm and finally able to find it.  So it was all good.  After that, due to safety measure, Deluxe had to drive back instead of me.  Just to make sure I was all right, but had a great lunch after that at Chef Special in Cold Storage.  That's all for now, currently trying to survey which bluetooth keyboard is better for my tab.  As for the coming few months, I will be busy doing a lot of typing and may need to work on my tab once in a while.  So you guys have a great one.

Jeremy and his first blood experience

Yi Yang, Hui Ho & Rev Pau
Me pretty much wasted, while Jeremy still look like a boss

My first experience in 2005

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