Monday, April 22, 2013

E-Commerce Iron Lady of Malaysia - Carol Fung

  Sometimes having a website is one thing, running it is another.  Often people make a lot of mistake thinking that I've already got a website and I should be making money already.  But for many, if not all this may not be the case.  There are a lot of tips and tricks in order for you to get the attention you need for your website.

  Introducing Carol Fung, the E-Commerce Iron Lady of Malaysia I might say.  I’ve known here back in 2006 during my eBay Education Specialist years and indeed she is someone whom is very knowledgeable and always full of joy to be with.  From a humble seller, who now help thousands to start up their businesses online.  You can be sure you are in good hands when she leads you through her course.

  Do check her out at and feel free to ask anything.  Like she always say “If you do not ask, I won’t tell”

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