Saturday, April 13, 2013

I'm going BOTAK....

Donations are closed from Holankia. Thank you all for contributing. If you would still like to contribute, do head over to for more details. Thank you!

Here are the list of people who have generously donated to me. No amount too big or too small, as every ringgit counts to help kids fight cancer. Go Botak! Because of the tremendous support, I will now be accepting Paypal as a source to receive donations. Please check out Method 4 for more details.
Dear all,
  This is to inform that I will be participating in the Go Bald - Help Kids Fight Cancer Campaign this year.  It may seem a bit shocking to those who pretty much knows me, as I'm a very vain person especially when it comes to my hair.  I was inspired by a few people, in the last 2 years to go bald.  So to make long story short, this year will be the year I will go botak.

  Anyway, the first person whom I asked to go bald was of course my wife Deluxe.  She was very supportive of the idea.  And she told me she would still love me even if I don't have any more hair on my head.  But she told me the only person I need to convince was Esther, our daughter and I told her ok. That was on Saturday evening, just before we went to bed.  On 7th April 2013 which was a Sunday morning, right after church we went to City One to pretty much pick up the pledge card.  As we were about to approach City One, I told Esther that I will be going bald.

  Her immediate reaction was that she would not allow me to sign up.  Reason was because she will “Kesian” me later if people were to see me and laugh at me later.  I told her, that won’t happen and don’t worry about daddy.  Again she refused me to sign up for the Go Bald campaign, and was about to cry.  So just to make her happy, I put on hold the plan of going bald for now.  So towards the evening, I tried talking to her again regarding me going bald.  And being over protective again, she said “How many times do I need to say NO?”  Seriously, she’s beginning to sound like me when she said that.  It was then I showed her the video which was made by them.

Go Bald 2013 from Go Bald on Vimeo.
  After showing her the video, I slowly explained to her what I was going to do.  After a lot of question and answering session with her, she finally agreed on allowing me to go bald.  So I went and wrote an email to Go Bald telling them that I was interested in participating to finally become botak again for the 2nd time in my life.  1st time was back when I was little; my dad thought I had lice so he decided to get my head shaved.  Never the less, I am appealing to all of you whom personally know me to please help me raise fund for this good cause.  The total amount needed to be raised from 3 different location which are from Miri, Sibu & Kuching is RM1,500,000.

  The targeted goal I plan to set for myself is at least RM4001.  Why that amount?  One of the heroine who inspired me to Go Bald this year, managed to raise RM4000.  So I will accept the challenge and raise the same amount if not more than that.  The last day for me to raise fund will be on the 19th May 2013 which is roughly about 5 more weeks from now.  So again I would like to appeal to all of you to help me raise funds for this cause.  Here is a few step on how you can help.

Method 1 :

Because this involve in money, I will be 100% transparent whoever donated to me.  You are required to give me your Full Name, IC, & Contact Details for me to fill in the pledge card.  For those of you who donated RM100 and more, you will automatically be issued a receipt that can be used for tax deduction.  To prevent any unnecessary problems, please email me at holankia @ gmail . com and I will give you my bank account there.  And of course, the names of those who donated to me will be posted up here in this link to keep track on how much I have collected.

Method 2 *Newly Updated*
I have received messages from family who are overseas, and would like to donate as well.  So in order for me to receive international payments, I have decided to use Paypal to collect contributions.  You can donate it through the link below.  And because Paypal charges transaction fees on it, I will be absorbing those charges ( Paypal charges a 3.9%+RM2 for each international transaction, while 3.4%+RM2 for domestic transaction).  So if you donate RM10, I will put in RM10 for you.  After I receive the payments, I will update as usual on the sponsor page.

Method 3:
Donate directly to their Maybank Account as follows :-
Maybank Account Name : Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society
Maybank Account : 561257000858
Email :
Description : Donate Go Bald – Jong Tze Shien

Once you transfer the payment, make sure you do a screen capture or download the receipt from Maybank and then head over to this link here to confirm your donation.
Once you’ve done that, send me a copy of the receipt to this email holankia @ gmail . com
Will explain why you need to send me this later.


Method 4 :
If you don’t have a Maybank account, but other banks you can use the Ipay system which also can be found here
Click on the image as shown as the side from the link above, and it should bring you to Ipay website to check out and do the following.
1.      Check the Pay to Merchant is  : Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society
2.      Fill in the particulars of your Customer Name, Customer Contact, Customer Email, and Amount.
3.      For the field Name of Shavee, please put Jong Tze Shien
4.      Product Description Change to : GO BALD
5.      Fill in the rest of the particulars and choose the bank you wish to make transfer to.
Once you’ve made payment, Ipay will send you a notification email from that transaction.  Forward that Email to holankia @ gmail . com
Will explain why you need to send me this later.
Those who donated can opt to be anonymous, where I will use your initials from the bank transfer or deposit you make.  Or I can put in your full name, plus a link to your facebook, twitter, or website on the sponsor page.  Also I will post the receipt as well online, to show as proof that you have made payments to me.

So here comes the interesting part.  Reason why I need you to send me the receipt for the payment is so that I can do a task for you, apart from putting a link on my website.  For more details please refer to the following video, on what my proposition is all about.

 So please help Holankia, and Holankia will help you.  I will try my best to raise RM4000 within the next 5 weeks.  And fortunately for me, Esther managed to kick start my campaign for RM1.  Looking forward to your requests, and please give generously as I’m doing this to help raise funds for the kids who are fighting cancer.  Plus it was very hard for me to convince Esther to allow me to go bald, so please don’t let my hard work go in vain.

Esther kicked start my donation with RM1
Oh yeah, I will put this fund raising thermometer on my website to pretty much show you how much I gathered so far.  I will only put in the amount that I personally collected and the money is with me, and on the 18th May 2013 I will write a cheque to Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society.  So the last day to accept donation will be on the 17th May 2013 latest 8PM.

Thank you all in advance!

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