Friday, January 25, 2013

Digi Oh Digi

Why Y U no follow me?
  For the past week, I have been having problems with Digi.  Despite their infamous "I will follow you" song that has always been played throughout the end of the ads, but unfortunately for me they had not been following me around especially during night time.  Especially during night time, for the past few days I have not been able to actually make phone calls or connect to data.  
  At first I thought it could be my phone or something, so I thought of restarting it but that didn't do anything at all.  Again, 2-3 hours later, I get an incoming sms stated that I have 2 miss calls during this period of time.  So seriously, I'm not too sure what's up with them as I didn't receive any notification from them that they are upgrading their network.
  What made it worst was that last month, because my contract with them using the iDigi plan was about to end.  Their customer service called me up and asked me to stay with them by using their new Iphone plan where I only had to pay RM55/month but they still gave me the free mins, sms, mms, and 1 GB of data.  During that time I thought it would be a sweet deal since their cheapest data plan was RM48 that time, so an additional RM7 would probably be a good deal.  
  So I went and agree to proceed with them, and he told me that I need to stay with them for 1 year.  Should I decide to terminate with them earlier, I would be required to pay RM400 for cancellation fees.  But I did ask them what if I decide to get a new phone from, can I continue to use that plan.  He said no,  but the RM400 cancellation fees will be waived off and use the new plan.
  Probably one of the greatest mistake, and maybe it was due to the fact I was busy so I said yes to everything during the time of call.  I overlook one point where I thought of actually cancelling the contract to switch back to Prepaid.  Main reason is that I'm pretty much a light user.  Plus nowadays everyone is on Whatsapp/Viber/Line.  Whereby making actual phone calls is less than 1 hour a month.  And data, I only manage to use up to 3-400 MB/month because I don't really stream videos on my phone.  And another reason why my data is getting less usage is probably due to the fact that I stopped being anti-social especially during breakfast/lunch/dinner.  Yes I was a social media enthusiast.  But not anymore.  So the more reason why I don't really use much of data apart from Whatsapp now.
  So, what's next on my plan?  Most likely will head over to Digi store and find out how am I going to terminate this postpaid line and change it back to prepaid and hopefully to avoid the RM400 cancellation charges.  But since Merdeka Plaza is just around the corner, I may just go over there to see how can it be done without any casualties.  Oh well, life goes on and have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
