Monday, January 07, 2013

I Have A Dream

I have a dream

  So this is week 2 of 2013.  And after going through what I wanted to do for 2013, I had a dream last night.  Probably it could be due to the fact that I was thinking about my project for 2013, but never the less it was indeed a good one.  Maybe that's how God gives inspiration to people, through dreams and visions.  Unfortunately I'm not someone who can see vision, so I guess I was fortunate enough to have dreams.  Never the less, it gave me an idea on what I need to do.  And how am I going to achieve it, will totally be a different story.  As I may need to figure out what I need to do, in order to get where I will be in the future.

  So right now, I may need to learn a whole new different ball game but never the less.  At least the goal is there, and I know what I want to do.  It will indeed take a lot of research, as well as learning the market.  But never the less, the goal has been set and I know I must achieve it one way or another.  It may take months or even years, but i know through perseverance and proper planning I think it could really work.  Never the less, I'm all fired up now and hopefully I will put a status bar on how much I've actually done to complete the project.

  Never the less, I think I should start to keep a journal on what I did to maybe help me achieve my goals for this year.  And hopefully, when I look back at least I know I've made it.  And who knows, if I made a mistake probably I would look back where I went wrong and correct it.  Never the less, the fire must not die and the passion must go on.

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