Tuesday, January 29, 2013

USB Microscope 50x-500x Review

USB Microscope 50-500x
  So finally the thing I ordered last month has finally arrived.  This is the USB Microscope 50-500x which I got.  There were a few selection ranges from 20x-200x, and one to 800x, but after reading the reviews I went and got the mid range one instead hoping that I would get a good deal.  Never the less, I got it pretty cheap, so I'm not complaining about the quality.  First and foremost, as I suspected from all the reviews I read.  This is only a 240x320 camera, so practically it's a 0.3MP camera.  Not so much emphasized on the 2MP as promoted.  I was hoping that I could use the Veho software for this camera, but unfortunately it was NOT able to detect the camera at all.  Never the less, it's still a fun thing to play with.
  Reason why I went this one instead of the 20x-800x was because most of the reviews or comments that I've seen stated it's only a 0.3MP camera instead of a real 2MP camera.  And the reason how they can actually get up to 2MP resolution is software interpolated.  Which pretty much defeat the purpose of it.  Again not complaining, as I'm still having fun with it along with Esther.  Anyway, here are a few shots that I actually took with them, and it's ok.  But never the less, will indeed make full use of it as I intend to use this to magnify some of the antiques that I got.  At least I can see it from my monitor instead of the magnifying glass.  Here's a few things that I caught with this camera.
Esther's Hand

10 Cent Coin

My Jeans

Esther Dress

Base of the Celadon Jarlet

My 1cm beard

Water Ant #01 using 320x240 Resolution

Water Ant #02 using 320x240 Resolution

Water Ant #03 using 320x240 Resolution

Water Ant #04 using 320x240 Resolution

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